Creative Kickstarter with Amanda HollandWhat would happen if you stopped seeing problems and saw only possibilities instead?
Join Amanda as she explores turning the creative blocks and challenges of life & business into creative kicks and leaps with loads of non-conventional yet highly pragmatic tools! What if what you truly desire to create in the world is way easier than you think? Stay connected with new episodes! |
Karma, Destiny or Choice?
Are you predestined, deserving, or can you just choose? How far down the rabbit hole are you willing to go? With guest "uncreating Karma" experts Eena Basur & Alba Molteni. |
When Do Problems Become Possibilities?
Have you noticed we live in a judgmental world? We are taught to judge us & others from day one, and treat life as a bunch of problems, limits & sucky stuff. What if ending judgment is the breath of fresh air required to farewell problems & get creative, happy and possibility-prone in life, business, relationships and more?